Friday, 7 August 2009

Involved in Play? Are 'we' asking the right questions?

I wonder, are we asking ourselves, our colleagues and eachother questions that might lead to valuable insights, creative breakthroughs and ultimately, more desirable outcomes?/p>

Just maybe, if we were to start projects with the ‘right’ questions then we might explore with a childlike curiosity and consequently discover unexplored potential and opportunity.

For example; in the small (but important) world of Indoor Play provision, how often do we ask:

  • How can Play Centres and Play Equipment support children in their inherent quest for discovery and exploration?
  • What is the role of parents when they visit Indoor Play Centres and how do we provide a rewarding experience for all participants (including staff)?
  • Is there a way that we can provide an individual and unique Play Experience for each and every child that visits a Play Centre?
  • What is the role in the Community of our Indoor Play Centres and how can we best fulfil and expand that role?
  • How do children play naturally and what does this teach us?
  • What is the role of technology in the Play Experiences of the future?
  • What would it mean for society as a whole if we could design Play Experiences that help children to grow into self-confident and anxiety-free adults?

Typically, I fear that our questions are focussed too narrowly on short-term needs and swayed by self-interest. It is easier for us all to base decisions and formulate ideas on what already exists rather than taking a step back and asking the questions beyond which may lie opportunity beyond expectations.

At, we believe that these are challenges faced by all organisations that interact with families and that finding solutions requires a collaborative process.

As a first step, we will continue to post questions and comments using the #WIGU call sign on Twitter or you can comment below. Whatever your interest, if you care about Children and / or the Future of Play, please think of your questions and participate by sharing your questions, comments or answers to questions asked by others. is the Indoor Soft Play Comparison website.

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