Monday, 1 February 2010

The Spirit of Ethel / Thank you

As this is such a personal situation, I have been unsure whether I should write a short note; in the end, I thought it the best way to say thank you for everyone’s support in recent days.

On occasion, when you write a blog or communicate for the most part via a website, you wonder if anyone is out there; feedback is often limited until we meet in person at seminars or talk on the phone.

Well, last week I was reminded that we are by no means alone. My beloved Nana Ethel passed away and I have been overwhelmed and thankful for the understanding and kind words of comfort from suppliers, colleagues and users of

Ethel was a beautiful, funny, energetic, caring and loving lady that we adored and we miss her presence beyond measure. A playful and spirited Nana who loved to laugh, she has been an inspiration throughout our lives and she will live forever in our hearts and minds.

I will treasure the memories and her passing has reminded me of the special role that Grandparents play in the lives of all children fortunate enough to know them; if I was opening / designing a play centre, I would create a special place for Grandparents to participate.

We are a small company and so are trying to keep the impact on our business to a minimum but a little disruption has perhaps been inevitable. I am very sorry but we have had to postpone the seminar scheduled for the 8th February and are currently re-arranging to accommodate the people that were booked on this date; several new dates will be confirmed in the next few days.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

With love to my family and many thanks to those who have sent us messages of condolence.

Love and best wishes