Friday, 29 May 2009

Swine Flu outbreak & Soft Play centres...take these precautions

In recent weeks, we have received numerous messages asking if Soft Play centres are safe to attend whilst other parents have simply stated;

"the family will avoid indoor play areas while there is an official public health emergency for the swine flu"

The implications for any small business are significant but in the case of an outbreak, soft play centres are particularly vulnerable because of a parents natural desire to protect their children and the potential for the disease to spread in enclosed environments.

During a recent Workshop, we took the opportunity to interview a supplier with experience of working with the NHS and Schools to protect against Swine Flu and other diseases.

The video and supporting documentation suggests taking these simple precautions:

- Provide wipes capable of killing Swine Flu (and other bugs) at reception for use when entering and leaving the play centre
- Provide tissues throughout the play centre
- Provide bins (preferably with lids) throughout the play centre for disposal of tissues
- Provide wipes and/or foam so that parents and children can clean their hands
- Clean with non-toxic disinfectant in high-contact areas on the soft play equipment
- Reassure parents of the steps you are taking to protect their children by providing signage throughout the play area

Although nobody knows the impact of an outbreak of swine flu, following these steps might help protect your soft play area or reassure parents that are staying away, "just in case".

Thank you to Mike Phillis of Whitewater Environment Protection and Harry Stephens of PlaySpace Bristol for their help in recording this video / providing this information. is the Indoor Soft Play Comparison website.
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