Monday, 14 September 2009

Beware: The Pitfalls of Prescribing Play for Fitness

In 1999, I Co-founded a Children’s Fitness Company called Kidco Fitness (now Shokk, I am no longer involved in the Company or have any shareholding) with the aim of getting Children Active to counteract the impact of “Childhood Obesity”.

Kidco was one of the first organisations to install Children’s Fitness Equipment in the UK and consequently it caused much discussion about the use of such equipment and the issue of “Childhood Obesity” which was just beginning to be identified as a concern.

(As an aside, I am increasingly concerned at the labels that we as a society attach to generalise difficulties experienced by Children; surely, “Childhood Obesity” must be one of the worst labels because of what it causes in the School Play Ground. I use it in this Blog as it is a recognisable response to recent Press coverage).

In the twelve years that I have been involved in the Indoor Play Industry / Children’s Fitness Market, I have watched with concern at the rise of “Childhood Obesity” and often given thought and research resource to try and establish what role Play could play in helping to find a natural alternative or complementary solution to taking Children to the Gym.

More recently, I have watched with curiosity as the PPA have said that “Fitness Prescriptions should include Play” and that "playing...should be an essential part of the activity programmes prescribed to child patients" in an effort to persuade the Government to subsidise entry to Indoor Play Centres.

Whilst in general terms I support funded access to all Play Facilities (the majority of Play Centres are not members of the PPA and in most cases still offer an equally good service), I believe there are many commercial models that support this objective and we have talked for years about the possibilities of Indoor Play Centres being Free at certain times, we now have evidence that this is commercially viable.

However, my specific concern with the promotion of this policy is that by “Prescribing Play,” we remove the natural inclination and need of Children to engage in “Free Play” that is so important to their overall Wellbeing. In the longer term, this may mean that we potentially replace one problem relating to Physical Health with an even more damaging one relating to issues of Low Self-Esteem, Anxiety and other Mental Health issues.

An article that I often quote because of the Scientific exploration of Children’s Play, seems to highlight this concern regarding the impact of lack of “Free Play”:

“Data suggests that a lack of opportunities for unstructured, imaginative play can keep children from growing into happy, well-adjusted adults. “Free play,”…is critical for becoming socially adept, coping with stress and building cognitive skills such as problem solving.

“A play-deprived childhood disrupts normal social, emotional and cognitive development in humans and animals…limiting free play in kids may result in a generation of anxious, unhappy and socially maladjusted adults. The consequence of a life that is seriously play-deprived is serious stuff…”

Furthermore, if play operators wish to be “prescribed” as a solution to “childhood obesity”, are we ready as an industry to sacrifice being known as a leisure activity (I like to think of Play as “activity without purpose”) and would it be correct for Government or Doctors to prescribe Indoor Play Centres as a solution when the majority are Leisure Attractions and therefore sell chips, crisps, chocolate and other 'non healthy' foods which themselves are a significant cause of Obesity?

It is fair to say that no one person or organisation knows the answers to these and many other complex questions; therefore, all we can do is work together to explore all opportunities in an effort to find the best possible way to help Children live the “Childhood of their Dreams” that will serve them well as Adults. continues to live with the purpose of providing an effective platform for Children to live their Dreams, our forthcoming competition is one example of the contribution we are making; we are happy to partner and support with any Individual or Organisation that shares a similar purpose.

May I suggest we open the conversation with a holistic and child centred approach to the design of play experiences?

In terms of a starting point, can I suggest we move from talking about “Childhood Obesity” to focusing on “Children Wellness” (i.e. Design for Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Social and even Sense focussed Play Experiences), from the “Prescription of Play” to greater provision of facilities and activities that enable “Free Play”; perhaps then we will create a commercially viable industry whether or not it benefits from Government Funding.

If the result of such an approach is that some Children’s Leisure / Play Facilities are designed specifically with a focus on Children Wellness as part of a diverse offering then I would see that as revolutionary; however, this would mean significant rather than cosmetic change although I imagine the results would be more than worthwhile for all concerned. is the Indoor Play Supplier Comparison Website that Saves Play Operators £10,000s. The only source of independent reviews on every Supplier to the Play Industry, works to revolutionise the Play Experience for Children and to enable Businesses to profitably understand and meet the future needs of Families.

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