As each person with a dream will testify, it can be scary and lonely as you develop your ideas and seek to convince the World they can make a difference.
Well, after the amazing feedback and the number of people that visited us at the LIW, we no longer feel scared nor alone; knowing that people value our service has given The Share & Compare Play team a fantastic boost; thank you!
This was the first time we met many of the people that use ShareAndComparePlay.com and someone even walked up to say “I LOVE your site, what you are doing is really helping;” someone else said they had only come to the show to see little old us, we could not have been happier.
Although we had a limited budget and decided at the last minute to attend, our Graphic Designer worked wonders in creating a stand that was a physical representation of our indoor play equipment comparison website; as you can see, we also had our ideas table from our forthcoming competition to re-design the indoor play experience.
More photographs are available on our Leisure Industry Week Flickr stream, below are a couple of things I found particularly interesting and worthy of further exploration:
This children's Go-Kart can be made by children and dismantled before being re-built as something else. This product is exciting because it reflects a trend towards Free Play, enabling children to make their own play experience, this trend still has a long way to go but this is a great start.
VEQTOR Play released details of their exclusive agreement to design and install Soft Play Equipment utilising Disney characters. The introduction of the Disney brand for us by Indoor Play Centres reflects significant potential for Entrepreneurs seeking to start the next generation of soft play centre.
We have been talking for a while about the need for sensory play, engaging all of the senses of children playing rather than solely providing a physical play environment. Most play areas now have a soft play football pitch but when walking the show, I saw this sports area where all kinds of activities could be played on sand; really exciting possibilities with this if you have the space.
Were you at the LIW? If so, did you see anything innovative that interested and excited you? We would love to hear from you.
ShareAndComparePlay.com is the Indoor Play Supplier Comparison Website that Saves Play Operators £10,000s. The only source of independent reviews on every Supplier to the Play Industry, ShareAndComparePlay.com works to revolutionise the Play Experience for Children and to enable Businesses to profitably understand and meet the future needs of Families.
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PS. Thank you to all my colleagues at ShareAndComparePlay for all their work in creating the site we dreamed of. Karen, Richard, Paul and Matt B...we could not have done it without you!