Saturday, 28 February 2009

Naysayers vs. hope & setting the record straight!

Perhaps it is the British way or just human nature but whenever you start a business / do anything out of the ordinary, you can guarantee the following:

1. There will be naysayers and those waiting to say "I told you so"

2. People will be suspicious of what you are doing, perhaps because of an attachment to the known / the status quo

3. If you offer something for free, people will wonder, what is the catch?

In the case of, I am delighted to say that we have successfully attracted all three responses.

1. People have been concerned in terms of whether we will lose the clothes off our back.

2. Some suppliers of equipment to the Soft Play market are concerned that we will rock the boat and the degree to which the market will change, perhaps leaving them behind.

3. Prospective operators have written to me asking how we make our money and if we are not making any, what is the point of it all?

I thought this would be the best way to answer all questions raised thus far; one thing to say though is that whenever we have met people face-to-face, the response has been worth every ounce of effort during the last twelve months.

1. Firstly, for those of you concerned about us (thank you) but our backs are well covered. Although we are not a Silicon Valley start-up, we have sufficient financial backing to take time to build our community. Indeed, in the next few weeks we will be adding new features and outlining our plans for International development, starting in the USA.

2. Our mission is to help transform and grow the indoor play market. Although change requires more hope in the future than attachment to the past, we believe that our community will help the market evolve to become more valuable for all participants, this will be in financial and non-financial terms.

3. We are still finding our way in terms of revenue (just like most Web 2.0 start-ups); we list all suppliers and allow them to write a company description for Free but we charge them for premium features such as:

- Advertising the capabilities of their organisation (this is limited to only a few companies on a first come first served basis)
- Adding additional details regarding their organisation such as case studies and photographs
- A lead subscription service to make it easy for customers to contact the suppliers that they have chosen as potential partners

“Free” is now a common business model; just think how you can now access the world’s information for free, get all kinds of software without charge and even take a flight for free…we are doing the same for indoor play.

We hope this clarifies a few things, please keep the questions coming.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Inspirational Rupert in fine form!

Only Rupert Oliver (the Founder of the Soft Play industry) could turn up to a video interview with mushrooms growing from the roof of his car, you get the feeling all vehicles would look like this if Rupert was in charge!

As previously mentioned, I have known Rupert for over a decade but yesterday was the first time that I have sat with him for a few hours and asked about his life...what a story!

We are trying to publish the video without editing because we do not feel that we could do it justice in anything less than the hour it took to record.

Rupert's life story is one of discovery, passion, creativity and hope.

In this interview, he talks extensively about:

- the creative process and his personal journey of discovery
- how Afghanistan led him to create the spring rockers that grace every outdoor play area in the world
- his commercial naivete and how it does not worry him
- the importance of play for children and society as a whole
- the evolution and current state of indoor play industry
- his plans to revitalise the market and the business that he loves
- the reasons for optimism and his dream play area of the future

This is a must see interview for anyone interested in the creative process and the future of play.

Will upload the video ASAP.

The Value of Free...Priceless!

In recent weeks, I have met several business owners who just cannot (or perhaps more accurately do not want to) comprehend why organisations and individuals should consider giving what they know (and to some extent what they do) away for Free.

I have been exploring and talking for many months about the notion of giving away for Free that which you previously charged (either directly or indirectly) but to many it remains an alien concept.

Giving things away for Free and finding alternative ways to deliver value is not new. However, the rise and rise of the Internet has meant that more and more, there is an expectation that information at least should be free and easily accessible; increasingly, those organisations that embrace openness and transparency will benefit most.

In the soft play industry, we are engaging with suppliers and partners of all descriptions to try and convince them of the potential benefits to their organisation and the market as a whole of opening themselves up. It can however be a difficult process because people are naturally (and quite understandably) protective of the status quo but transparency is increasingly a characteristic of modern markets and it is an unstoppable process.

I recently read this posting by Rajesh Setty and I thought I would share it with you as he not only succinctly lists some of the reasons for Free as a business proposition but he also starts an interesting discussion in the associated forum.

This is not just a proposition for suppliers with knowledge to share.

Owners of play centres may want to think about what they can do for free that will build exceptional value for the business. In these times more than ever, think value in terms of goodwill, value in terms of relationships, value in terms of people getting familiar with your play centre, value in terms of relationships, value in terms of reputation, value in terms of feedback, value in terms of referral business, value in terms of …? Priceless indeed.

Please read article by Rajesh and think about it, I promise the ideas you will generate are worthy of consideration.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Interviewing the founder of the Soft Play industry...any questions?

I had an interesting meeting with the Founder of the Soft Play industry a couple of weeks ago and his colleague and friend, Graham.

Rupert Oliver has always been an enigma and one of the most charismatic people you could wish to meet; it was an interesting and enjoyable lunch and it was again good to see the man that started the indoor play industry over thirty years ago. He is still certainly one of the most creative minds in the soft play industry and creates as if still a child, at times he seems to live on a different planet to the rest of the adult population which is likely why he has created the things he has.

If you want to picture him, he has always reminded me of the professor from Back to the Future; running around generating idea after idea. I always imagine him happiest in a garage with a load of test tubes bubbling away, concocting something new to bring to indoor soft play. He (or at least his work is everywhere); to give you an example, you know those little spring-loaded animal rockers that you get in nearly every outdoor play area; they were a Rupert invention…alas, I don’t think he ever made a penny out of them but he seems happy in the knowledge children are playing because of an idea he bought to the world.

Rupert is the man that not only created the indoor play market but he also a man that seems to exist on the optimistic side of life and he is re-energised to create a new movement of creativity within the play industry. Our lunch was to discuss the industry (both he and Graham offered intelligent debate and creativity regarding engaging all the senses of the people that really matter, children), his new business and to invite him to participate in some way in Share and Compare Play.

Rupert was truly excited by the idea and it is good to know that we are operating with his blessing. He committed to be videoed and filming is beginning on Monday 23rd February; the objective of this interview is to give Rupert the opportunity to share his latest thoughts and ideas directly with the Soft Play world, there is also a possibility of him regularly writing a blog to keep us all updated of his latest ideas.

The common consent around the table was that the industry (which has essentially not offered innovation in thirty years) is in need of user driven (including toddler) innovation; change may come in small increments but it is certainly coming and Rupert’s involvement along with all participants at will make a difference.

Although short notice, if you have any questions you would like me to ask him on your behalf, please let me know.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Soft Play Supplier listings & participation

We have previously written to all of the major UK Soft Play suppliers inviting them to add (for free) their supplier description and participate in our community.

As part of the continuing process of including as many people and organisations as possible, we have e-mailed the following invitation to suppliers for whom we have contact details.

Please forward this e-mail to any suppliers that provide soft play equipment, just in case the message has not reached them.

Dear (Supplier)

A few weeks ago, we e-mailed you to introduce the webs first Soft Play comparison website,

The site went live a few days ago and the community is growing with the first user review being posted, you can keep updated with our progress at As previously stated, you are invited to add a supplier description without charge and we encourage all suppliers to take advantage of this free listing. You are also able to participate in the following ways during the next few weeks, we are adding new functionality all the time so please check back with us regularly.

  • Nominate customers of yours to be interviewed by us for broadcast on our website and related sites (you are also free to link to this content and use as you wish)
  • Nominate an employee of your organisation to write a blog that informs our users, the blog may be listed on our website and e-mailed regularly to our 'opt in' community
  • We will be writing to all play operators in the next few weeks to invite them to review and rate their suppliers. Please inform your customers of and invite them to write reviews; this feedback will affect the position of your organisations listing, suppliers without feedback will be positioned accordingly because only user feedback determines ratings
  • Share any information (expert guides, financial templates etc) for publication on our website; although shared for free, your organisation will be associated with any publication and demonstrate your capability as a credible supplier
  • We will also be issuing guidelines to suppliers in the next few weeks on how to respond to positive and negative feedback on our website. We plan to run either Group or Individual consultations outlining how each organisation can contribute to the community to the benefit of all parties

Finally for now, we suggest that you regularly check our listings and inform us if you feel that a review listed by a user regarding your organisation is not genuine. We only want to present accurate, independent and genuine information to inform our community and we will fully investigate any claims of fake postings and take action if appropriate against any user and / or supplier.

Kind regards


Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Tip # 1 for choosing a Soft Play supplier…Tied in, stitched up!

We will shortly be publishing a guide to choosing a soft play supplier, likely to be the single biggest investment you make when establishing an indoor play centre.

However, as we have launched by listing for review all of the leading soft play suppliers in the UK, we wanted to share with you our first tip for choosing a supplier of soft play.

You are not beholden to anyone for information they give you.

Building your business plan, finding a building, obtaining finance, getting planning permission and choosing suppliers of everything from kitchen equipment to party bags takes time but it is best that you do these things independent of any one supplier who might have a vested interest in what you spend or with whom you spend it.

We believe that information should be free and freely available so that you can make your own choices and implement your own plans. A reputable play supplier who is confident in their proposition will provide you with guidance and support regarding how to open the soft play centre of your dreams, they will do this without obligation to buy from them.

Furthermore, your buying process (more on this in a later blog) should include visits to several play suppliers and indoor play centres so that you can be sure you make the best informed decisions possible (including whether operating a soft play centre is indeed for you) before handing over your hard earned cash.

The community that we are building are volunteering to give you free, independent and real-life information for you to utilise in the creation of your soft play centre, use this together with your own experience to make all decisions including which suppliers to use as you create your business plan.

In times gone by, it was perhaps necessary to make a decision early in exchange for information that you needed. However, that is no longer the case because in a time of transparency and openness, you can get what you need without obligation and with all participating, we can revolutionise the industry together.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Soft play's first comparison live, over to you!

Back at school, I remember running a Blue Peter ‘bring and buy’ sale and after many weeks of preparation, we flung open the doors with a mixture of excitement and nervousness to see if anyone would visit and if they did, what would they think?

I mention this because today is the day that the covers come off, the day we open the doors and launch, the world’s first independent comparison and information website for the soft play industry; the feeling of launching something new that you believe in is indescribably exciting and yet so similar to that simple bring and buy sale.

It was the 21st April 2008 when my wife and I first discussed the possibility of creating what has become What you will see today is not exactly what we envisaged; it has become a whole lot more because of the talented people that have contributed and the collaborative nature of the creative and technological process we have utilised.

We decided quite early to take an increasingly popular approach of ‘rapid prototyping’ that involves releasing software in Beta so that our community can contribute to the development process and take the project in the direction that they find most useful…it also means that we rely on you to feedback on what works (and what does not), what you like (and what you do not) and then keep coming back because we are going to be evolving everyday.

I would like to say thank you to the many contributors to date but now is where we hope the fun really starts, over to you.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

From stealth mode to Suppliers on board!

Until the last few weeks, we have kept our plans under wraps so that we could develop without distraction the web platform that would reflect our best hopes.

It has therefore been an exciting week now that we have met with the first three suppliers who registered interest in understanding more about and the ways in which it can benefit their business.

The feedback has been extremely positive about the potential of the community to revolutionise the indoor soft play market and thus far, each supplier met has committed to becoming active contributors to the community.

All of the suppliers offered to write blogs and guides regarding their specialist areas and they will also be listing their companies so that users will be able to easily contact them using if they so choose.

Many more supplier meetings are scheduled but we are on our way, will keep you informed.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

It finally caught up with us...snow stops filming!

After my earlier posting about our lucky escape when visiting Edinburgh, this week’s filming has been postponed until the 23rd February due to snow.

Reluctantly, we were forced to postpone filming because of the forecasts for severe weather that would have affected the play centre where we were filming and the knock-on affect on staff and our meeting with the owner.

We cannot wait for the next recording session, please feel free to use this time to let us know of any questions you are interested in hearing the answers too.

A welcome addition to our growing team...

We are delighted to announce that Paul Smith has joined the team.

Paul has joined as Business Development Director and he brings with him many years of experience in the Soft Play industry, he was previously the Managing Director of Play Revolution and prior to that, of SuccessPlay Ireland.

Paul’s role is to work with suppliers and industry authorities to develop and promote the website with the aim of building the largest community of soft play related users in the World.

We will keep you updated of his progress and wish him well.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Your opinion matters...2 hours with a successful play operator, what would you like to know?

Next week, filming moves to the North West of England where we meet a successful operator of two indoor soft play areas. An entrepreneur with a corporate background who opened one site from scratch and then acquired and transformed a second play centre, this should be another valuable interview for current and prospective indoor play operators.

We would like you to participate and therefore invite you to let us know via any means you choose what questions you would like us to ask.

Thus far, we have divided / edited approximately two hours of footage into the following categories / episodes:

Inspiration (available here
Business planning (scheduled for release w/c 9th February 2009)
Supplier Management / Choosing suppliers and feedback on performance
Finding a Building and Planning Permission

If you feel as though there is information missing from these categories or you would like to be sure we ask a question related to these or any other topics, please let us know and we will incorporate into our filming and share the results to the benefit of all.

We value your feedback and opinions so that we can develop the best possible platform and content for the soft play market, please comment and rate our videos and blogs so that we can prepare and publish information that is valuable to you...we promise to listen, thanks.

Edinburgh escapades…a camera box does not make a good seat!

This week, we packed our car to the rafters and steadfastly ignored the gloomy weather forecast as we intrepidly started our journey up the M6. Scotland was our destination and it seemed the best place to be judging by the warnings on the Chris Evans show of impeding white doom down South; how the Scottish newspapers loved the fact that England was brought to a standstill by snow!

This week, we were filming in Edinburgh at Tumblezone (; at 25,000 sq/ft, Tumblezone is likely one of the largest Soft Play centres in the UK, it opened in 2005 so our interviewees had plenty of experience and stories to Share.

On this occasion, we did not have Matt (our usual Director) with us but we tried to use the benefit of our thus far limited experience to create interviews that will be of interest and value to our growing community of soft play operators.

The cameras, the lighting, all of the cables, microphones, the massive boxes …there is much to think about and so much that can go pear-shaped but it must be all of this that makes it so exciting. At the end of it all, we just tried to focus on what the play operators had to say, I hope you will forgive us our (hopefully short) technical learning curve given the value of what successful operators are willing to share.

The editing process has begun and we will release further episodes of our Edinburgh escapades in the next few weeks to complement further releases from Parents Paradise (available now at

All videos will be available on our You Tube channel and; we may also release the whole footage at the end of each series.

Monday, 2 February 2009 launches channel

We are pleased to announce the launch of Share and Compare Play on You Tube.

As advocates of providing valuable information in formats that reflect the preferences and requirements of our audience, we have started to produce our own video content that is independent and free to watch, again and again.

The first series is entitled “Entrepreneurs in Play” and involves interviews with successful operators of children’s indoor adventure play centres. In this series, we share stories of success and perhaps more importantly, what these operators wish they had known when they started; this information is invaluable to new or existing play operators alike.

Episode one is an excerpt of interview with Wendy Attwood of Parents Paradise, it is available now at Please subscribe to keep updated, several more episodes are scheduled for release in the coming weeks and we continue to film at sites throughout the country.

Also, slated for development is further programming including a possible documentary regarding the Soft Play industry and exciting plans that may revolutionise how indoor play areas are designed

All suppliers start equal…its then up to their customers!

In the next few days (we are just uploading additional content and conducting additional testing), will launch. In the first week, only suppliers of Soft Play equipment will be listed (other non-play equipment suppliers will rollout in the next few weeks) and the first method of rating suppliers of indoor play equipment will be live.

In addition to user ratings / reviews, we also provide an expert overview and provide suppliers with the opportunity to describe their organisations without charge. All of the significant play suppliers have been invited to participate and the door will always be open for them in the future, they will be listed and reviewed by their customers regardless.

The invitations to participate were sent by letter / e-mail (excerpt of communication below) to the Managing Directors of play suppliers around the world on or around the 16th January 2009. Thus far, we have received a description from one supplier which means that this supplier will be listed at the top of the page until users rate their own play supplier. At this point, the star system will take over and the position of each supplier will be calculated by the system; from that point on, nothing except user feedback will change the position of suppliers.

Will be back soon to let you know when we are live.

Excerpt of letter sent to all suppliers

Dear (Managing Director)

Re: Your listing, description and star rating / The World’s First Comparison website for indoor play suppliers

In January 2009, we are launching the world’s first comparison website specialising in supply to the indoor play market…

…As part of our commitment to providing users with impartial and corroborated reviews, we wanted to write to you in advance to advise that our experts have written the following about your organisation for inclusion on

…We trust that you feel that this is a fair and accurate representation of your organisation. However, if you believe any of the above information to be misleading or inaccurate, please refer to the enclosed ‘Activation Sheet’.

In addition, we provide suppliers with the opportunity to write a summary of their organisation and to add their logo to the company profile, without charge. If you wish to add your own profile for listing alongside the expert review and those of your customers, please refer to the enclosed ‘Activation Sheet’.

Of course, you are under no obligation to write and publish your own profile or to forward us your logo for listing. However, if you choose not to do so, this may affect your star rating and consequently your position in the listings…

…Please Note: If your opinion is different to that above and can be verified, please refer to the enclosed ‘Activation Sheet’ and we will investigate further before publishing amendments. We may ask that you provide additional information so that we can present only the most accurate information.

The site will also evolve to provide many additional features for both suppliers and (prospective) operators; we believe that it will significantly assist organisations such as yours in the following ways…

…If you are interested in understanding more about our site and potentially partnering with us during its early development stages, (during the Beta Test release, we will be restricting access to certain features to a small number of organisations on a first-come-first served basis), please email us at

Kind regards
Gareth Lymer