Friday, 20 February 2009

Soft Play Supplier listings & participation

We have previously written to all of the major UK Soft Play suppliers inviting them to add (for free) their supplier description and participate in our community.

As part of the continuing process of including as many people and organisations as possible, we have e-mailed the following invitation to suppliers for whom we have contact details.

Please forward this e-mail to any suppliers that provide soft play equipment, just in case the message has not reached them.

Dear (Supplier)

A few weeks ago, we e-mailed you to introduce the webs first Soft Play comparison website,

The site went live a few days ago and the community is growing with the first user review being posted, you can keep updated with our progress at As previously stated, you are invited to add a supplier description without charge and we encourage all suppliers to take advantage of this free listing. You are also able to participate in the following ways during the next few weeks, we are adding new functionality all the time so please check back with us regularly.

  • Nominate customers of yours to be interviewed by us for broadcast on our website and related sites (you are also free to link to this content and use as you wish)
  • Nominate an employee of your organisation to write a blog that informs our users, the blog may be listed on our website and e-mailed regularly to our 'opt in' community
  • We will be writing to all play operators in the next few weeks to invite them to review and rate their suppliers. Please inform your customers of and invite them to write reviews; this feedback will affect the position of your organisations listing, suppliers without feedback will be positioned accordingly because only user feedback determines ratings
  • Share any information (expert guides, financial templates etc) for publication on our website; although shared for free, your organisation will be associated with any publication and demonstrate your capability as a credible supplier
  • We will also be issuing guidelines to suppliers in the next few weeks on how to respond to positive and negative feedback on our website. We plan to run either Group or Individual consultations outlining how each organisation can contribute to the community to the benefit of all parties

Finally for now, we suggest that you regularly check our listings and inform us if you feel that a review listed by a user regarding your organisation is not genuine. We only want to present accurate, independent and genuine information to inform our community and we will fully investigate any claims of fake postings and take action if appropriate against any user and / or supplier.

Kind regards


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