Saturday, 21 February 2009

Interviewing the founder of the Soft Play industry...any questions?

I had an interesting meeting with the Founder of the Soft Play industry a couple of weeks ago and his colleague and friend, Graham.

Rupert Oliver has always been an enigma and one of the most charismatic people you could wish to meet; it was an interesting and enjoyable lunch and it was again good to see the man that started the indoor play industry over thirty years ago. He is still certainly one of the most creative minds in the soft play industry and creates as if still a child, at times he seems to live on a different planet to the rest of the adult population which is likely why he has created the things he has.

If you want to picture him, he has always reminded me of the professor from Back to the Future; running around generating idea after idea. I always imagine him happiest in a garage with a load of test tubes bubbling away, concocting something new to bring to indoor soft play. He (or at least his work is everywhere); to give you an example, you know those little spring-loaded animal rockers that you get in nearly every outdoor play area; they were a Rupert invention…alas, I don’t think he ever made a penny out of them but he seems happy in the knowledge children are playing because of an idea he bought to the world.

Rupert is the man that not only created the indoor play market but he also a man that seems to exist on the optimistic side of life and he is re-energised to create a new movement of creativity within the play industry. Our lunch was to discuss the industry (both he and Graham offered intelligent debate and creativity regarding engaging all the senses of the people that really matter, children), his new business and to invite him to participate in some way in Share and Compare Play.

Rupert was truly excited by the idea and it is good to know that we are operating with his blessing. He committed to be videoed and filming is beginning on Monday 23rd February; the objective of this interview is to give Rupert the opportunity to share his latest thoughts and ideas directly with the Soft Play world, there is also a possibility of him regularly writing a blog to keep us all updated of his latest ideas.

The common consent around the table was that the industry (which has essentially not offered innovation in thirty years) is in need of user driven (including toddler) innovation; change may come in small increments but it is certainly coming and Rupert’s involvement along with all participants at will make a difference.

Although short notice, if you have any questions you would like me to ask him on your behalf, please let me know.

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