Friday, 6 February 2009

Edinburgh escapades…a camera box does not make a good seat!

This week, we packed our car to the rafters and steadfastly ignored the gloomy weather forecast as we intrepidly started our journey up the M6. Scotland was our destination and it seemed the best place to be judging by the warnings on the Chris Evans show of impeding white doom down South; how the Scottish newspapers loved the fact that England was brought to a standstill by snow!

This week, we were filming in Edinburgh at Tumblezone (; at 25,000 sq/ft, Tumblezone is likely one of the largest Soft Play centres in the UK, it opened in 2005 so our interviewees had plenty of experience and stories to Share.

On this occasion, we did not have Matt (our usual Director) with us but we tried to use the benefit of our thus far limited experience to create interviews that will be of interest and value to our growing community of soft play operators.

The cameras, the lighting, all of the cables, microphones, the massive boxes …there is much to think about and so much that can go pear-shaped but it must be all of this that makes it so exciting. At the end of it all, we just tried to focus on what the play operators had to say, I hope you will forgive us our (hopefully short) technical learning curve given the value of what successful operators are willing to share.

The editing process has begun and we will release further episodes of our Edinburgh escapades in the next few weeks to complement further releases from Parents Paradise (available now at

All videos will be available on our You Tube channel and; we may also release the whole footage at the end of each series.

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