Friday, 6 February 2009

Your opinion matters...2 hours with a successful play operator, what would you like to know?

Next week, filming moves to the North West of England where we meet a successful operator of two indoor soft play areas. An entrepreneur with a corporate background who opened one site from scratch and then acquired and transformed a second play centre, this should be another valuable interview for current and prospective indoor play operators.

We would like you to participate and therefore invite you to let us know via any means you choose what questions you would like us to ask.

Thus far, we have divided / edited approximately two hours of footage into the following categories / episodes:

Inspiration (available here
Business planning (scheduled for release w/c 9th February 2009)
Supplier Management / Choosing suppliers and feedback on performance
Finding a Building and Planning Permission

If you feel as though there is information missing from these categories or you would like to be sure we ask a question related to these or any other topics, please let us know and we will incorporate into our filming and share the results to the benefit of all.

We value your feedback and opinions so that we can develop the best possible platform and content for the soft play market, please comment and rate our videos and blogs so that we can prepare and publish information that is valuable to you...we promise to listen, thanks.

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