Thursday, 5 March 2009

"Entrepreneurs in Play" filming @ Fun 4 All

Last week, we were recording another session for our series entitled “Entrepreneurs in Play”; this is a series of interviews with successful soft play operators.

This time it was the turn of Russell Gardner of Fun 4 All in Macclesfield and Chester, again we much appreciated the willingness of a play operator to share their experience with our community.

Russell owns Fun 4 All with his wife Debbie and together, not only have they successfully launched their own play centre, in the last twelve months they have also expanded with the acquisition of a site that was under-performing site in Chester.

Our interview with Russell was particularly informative for future and current operators because of his willingness to share his experience of the following:

- How he used his previous experience as a Senior Purchasing Manger with GE to evaluate and select suppliers for each play centre

- The value of research during the business planning process and the things that people must know before they start an indoor play centre

- The importance of allowing for seasonality in your financial planning and how consultants can be used to help ensure your planning is accurate

- The future of Play and how the Play Providers Association shares the passion of Share and Compare Play to create the best possible play experience for children; we discuss what this means for suppliers and operators alike

We are taking a short break in filming during March so that we can focus on the editing process for a number of our recordings but more interviews and productions are already scheduled for April.

We are interested from hearing from anyone that has a story to share, if you are interested in being considered for interview, please get in touch is the Indoor Soft Play Comparison and Information website.

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