Thursday, 12 March 2009

The Inspector Calls...

After months of relative winter inactivity the phone begins to ring. Five inspections in six days! Greater Manchester, Essex, Greater London, The Lake District and the west coast of Ireland. North, South, East and West! My latest workhorse of a car is certainly being run-in!

The inspections have their own variations. Each from a different supplier - four UK companies and one from across the big pond. Different design, manufacturing and installation techniques, but generally the quality is there. There have been huge improvements in the product over the last 16 years. I like to believe all the work I have put into helping create independent safety guidelines and British and European Standards for the industry has paid off.

Then there are the types of inspections - two Post-Installations, two Annuals and one that is a bit of both. What a difference inspecting empty play frames and those teeming with kids! “Can you give me a lift down mister?” Under no circumstances!

Friday: A five year old Play Centre still giving good service in a downtown location. Discussed issues of fire safety both in the design and in the need for fire safety systems. The need to be able to get everyone out inside 2½ minutes is very real for all Centres. It’s the smoke that kills.

Spanking new Centre and with a vintage United States Fire Engine in pristine condition set to transport children to the Play Centre for Parties. How cool is that!

Second job:
Arrived to find installation work continuing – never easy but able to pick up on some safety issues with the installation team on site to address them so useful work done.

One year old Play Centre having its first Annual. Immaculate condition. Gave some training on indoor play to a work colleague grounded in outdoor playgrounds. Big differences found – like you get a hot drink on arrival!

Short flight to the peat bogs of Ireland. Very impressive new build in a brand new leisure complex – once we had dredged our way through the mud to get inside among the hard hats!

Next week will be very different. An important BSI revising committee for British Standard BS8409 to Chair and just one post-installation inspection. Not much travelling? Wrong! The job is 6,000 miles away in Bangkok. It’s a hard life!

Nick Balmforth is an inspector of Soft Play areas and is renowned for his expertise and knowledge of creating and operating safe Indoor Play areas. This blog is an excerpt of his diary which he shares with the community in the hope that regular communication and insight will benefit the industry and raise standards.

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