Thursday, 9 April 2009

The play inpector calls...part 5

The inspection pace that hotted up during March shows little sign of abating, at least pre-Easter. Since my last blog I have carried out four inspections: a new indoor facility in a huge shopping centre needing its post-installation check, followed by a large established play centre in County Durham needing its annual inspection. Then quite the smallest community play centre I have ever had to annually inspect down in Essex and today to north London for yet another annual.

There may not be as many post-installations coming through as credit tightens but the demand for annuals remains. And so it should since the value of a yearly independent check must surely make good sense to all safety-conscious operators and if it doesn’t one really has to question their business judgement. If for no other reason the insurers back it and sometimes with reduced premiums.

Another interesting detail – four facilities and four different suppliers. I like variety.

Tuesday: A job in Sheffield followed the next day by another further north-east makes an overnight stop inviting. And as my wife’s Austrian family are over for a break an opportunity for them to do a little shopping and sightseeing whilst I get myself dusty! Finding a play centre in a busy shopping centre is always a challenge. Turn left along the mall then right at the next junction and down the escalator and you can’t miss it! Sensing my doubts the Customer Services Manager comes to my rescue and suddenly there it is. Easy really! The view from the top of the escalator is really something! This must be a prime location! A few last minute installation jobs are being finished off but in I go. There is always a value in arriving on site whilst the installation team are still there. Last minute queries arise from them and safety issues found by myself can be immediately addressed. And so they are. On to York. A beautiful historical city and a pleasure to introduce for the first time to visitors from abroad.

Wednesday: Family stay on in York whilst I hit the A1 north. Target Newton Aycliffe. SatNav works perfectly and I am guided to the front door. Very big site and how good to see a large toddler’s play frame with so much choice and play value packed into it. So often there is all too little. Certainly there is adventure and challenge at this Centre with drop slides, bungee trampolines and a climbing wall all vying for the older children’s attention in addition to the more regular features. Very helpful and hospitable Assistant Manager helped to make the job a pleasure.

Saturday: Yes Saturday! I sometimes work weekends when it is necessary at it was that day. A very small and cosy play centre for the lower age range and in the heart of a more rural Essex community. Clearly much appreciated by the local clientele and it was good to be able to pass on some advice to the two hard-working and very committed sisters who run the business.

Tuesday: A job in north London and close to a tube station makes rail travel from Stafford impossible to resist. And the trains ran on time both ways! Is this a first? Last went there in 2006 and it was good to see the facility still well used and being enjoyed. As usual followed around the play frame by a multitude of enquiring children. Feel like the Pied Piper of Hamlin sometimes! How many times do I have to say “I’m carrying out a safety inspection”? A husband and wife team own the business and both have very responsible and demanding first jobs in their community, one in health care and the other in the prison service. You have to admire their energy and commitment.

Looking forward to an Easter break now. Catch up with me again after that.

Nick Balmforth is an inspector of Soft Play areas and is renowned for his expertise and knowledge of creating and operating safe Indoor Play areas. This blog is an excerpt of his diary which he shares with the community in the hope that regular communication and insight will benefit the industry and raise standards.

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