Thursday, 9 April 2009

Something for the weekend...the world's best complaint letter!

This is a complaint letter sent to Sir Richard Branson that is considered to be one of the funniest complaint letters ever. We thought we would share this with you for the following reasons:

- It is a reminder (if one were needed) that 'feedback' can be global within minutes and can damage the most valuable of brands
- It is a case study in how companies should respond to feedback (engage personally with the customer / community; addressing customer issues is a job for the most senior in a company; be seen to take action, we understand Virgin have subsequently offered the writer a job evaluating the food offering)
- It is very amusing...

Have a great Easter Weekend.

The Share & Compare team.

1 comment:

  1. glad you are back - we were wondering what happened to you - we have been missing your posts
